Location or Facility
All Locations
41 North Coastal Kayak Adventures
A.B. Williams Memorial Woods
A.B. Williams Memorial Woods Trailhead
Acacia Reservation Trailhead
Acacia Shelter
Albion Woods Picnic Area
ALCOA Forge Overlook
Alexander Road Trailhead at Sagamore Creek
Andrews Nature Play Area
Aqueduct Gateway Trailhead
Arbor Picnic Area Trailhead
Arborview Shelter
Astorhurst Park
Athletic Field
Aukerman Park
Aukerman Park Trailhead
Barrett Sledding Hill
Bayarts Campus
Beech Hill Pond
Berea Falls Scenic Overlook
Berea Falls Trailhead
Beyer's Pond
Big Met Golf Course
Big Met Trailhead
Bluebird Point Overlook
Bluebird Point Trailhead
Bluestone Trailhead
Bonnie Park Picnic Area
Bonnie Park Trailhead
Brecksville Nature Center
Brecksville Nature Center Trailhead
Brecksville Physical Fitness Trail
Brecksville Stables
Bridal Veil Falls Scenic Overlook
Bridal Veil Falls Trailhead
Brighton Park
Broadway Trailhead
Brooklyn Exchange Cabin
Brookside Overlook
Brookside Reservation Trailhead
Brookside Valley Event Site
Buckeye Shelter
Bunns Lake
Bunns Lake Trailhead
Burnett Historical House
Burnt Ridge Wetland
Buttermilk Falls Scenic Overlook
Buttermilk Falls Trailhead
Buzzard Roost
Buzzard's Landing
CanalWay Center
CanalWay Center Picnic Area
CanalWay Center Trailhead
CanalWay Stateboat Landing Room
Cedar Point Picnic Area
Center Park Picnic Area
Center Park Trailhead
Cherry Grove Picnic Area
Chestnut Shelter
Chippewa Creek Gorge
Chippewa Creek Gorge Scenic Overlook
Chippewa Creek Gorge Trailhead
Chippewa Field Trailhead
Chippewa Picnic Area
Chippewa Reserved Field
Circle Lot Upper Edgewater
City View Ceremony
Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve
Cleveland Metroparks Railroad
Cleveland Script Sign - OEC
Cleveland-Cliffs Bike Park
Coast Guard Station
Coasting Hill
Codrington Overnight Camp Area
Codrington Shelterhouse Picnic Area
Cottonwood Picnic Area
Cottonwood Reserved Shelter
Creekside Reserved Shelter
Cross Country Team Practice - Brecksville
Cross Country Team Practice - Rocky River
Cuyahoga County Public Library Mayfield Village Branch
Deer Lick Cave
Dunham Park
Dunham Trailhead
E 72nd Fishing Area
e55 on the lake
East 49Th Street Ball Diamond
East 55th Area
East 55th Marina Fishing Area
East 55th Street Marina
East 72nd Area
East Reserved Ball Fields
Eastern Ledge Trail
Edgewater Beach
Edgewater Beach House
Edgewater Beach Paddling Access
Edgewater Dog Beach
Edgewater East Kite Field
Edgewater Fishing Pier
Edgewater Kite Field
Edgewater Lower Area
Edgewater Lower Area (>2000)
Edgewater Nature Shop
Edgewater Overflow Lot
Edgewater Park
Edgewater Park Boat Launch
Edgewater Perkins Beach
Edgewater Upper Area
Edgewater Upper Area (>2000)
Edgewater West Kite Field
Egbert Picnic Area
Egbert Picnic Area Trailhead
Egbert Trailhead
eLCee2 Water Taxi
Emerald Necklace Field
Emerald Necklace Marina
Emerald Necklace Marina Cafe
Engle Road Connector
Engle Road Sled Riding Hill
Euclid Beach Ceremony - East Shores
Euclid Beach Park
Euclid Beach Pier
Euclid Beach Reservable Picnic Shelter
Euclid Creek Physical Fitness Trail
Euclid Wildwood Area - East Shores
Forbes Woods
Forbes Woods Trailhead
Forest Picnic Area
Fort Hill
Fowles Marsh
Frostville Museum
Garfield Park Center Trailhead
Garfield Park Nature Preschool
Garfield Park Physical Fitness Trail
Garfield Park Program Center
Go Ape!
Gordon Park Boat Launch
Gordon Park Paddling Access
Grassroots Gorge Overlook
Great Falls of Tinker's Creek
Group Beach Clean Up - Wendy Park
Harper Ridge Reservable Picnic Area
Harriet Keeler Memorial
Harriet Keeler Memorial Picnic Area
Harvard Gateway Trailhead
Hawthorn Ridge Picnic Area
Hemlock Creek Picnic Area
Hemlock Creek Picnic Area Trailhead
Hemlock Overnight Camp Area
Henry Church Jr. Rock
Henry Church Jr. Rock Picnic Area
Heritage Park
Heritage Park Transient Dock
Hermit's Hollow Picnic Area
Highland Picnic Area
Highland Picnic Area Trailhead
Hinckley Hills Trailhead
Hinckley Lake
Hinckley Lake Boat Launch
Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store
Hinckley Lake Trailhead
Hinckley Spillway
Hinckley Spillway Trailhead
Horse Trailer Parking
Huntington Beach
Huntington Beach Paddling Access
Huntington Lake Shelter - Reservable East Half
Huntington Playhouse
Hutchinson Field Parking Lot
Independence Civic Center's Indoor Pool
Indian Point Picnic Area
Intergrove Lodge Picnic Area
Iron Springs Picnic Area Trailhead
Iron Springs Reserved Shelter
Ironwood Golf Course
Jackson Field
Jaite Wayside Trailhead
Johnson's Picnic Area
Judge's Lake
Karen's Way Play Space
Kelley Picnic Area
Keystone Loop
Keystone Shelter
Keystone Trailhead
Kiwanis Picnic Area
Lagoon Picnic Area
Lake Abram Marsh
Lake Erie Nature And Science Center
Lake Isaac
Lake Picnic Area
Lake Shelter (Back Half)
Lake Shore Electric Railway Trestle
Lake-to-Lake Trailhead at Fowles Marsh
Lake-to-Lake Trailhead at Lake Abram Marsh
Lake-to-Lake Trailhead at Lake Isaac
Lawrence Grist Mill
Ledge Lake
Ledge Lake Building
Ledge Lake Shelter A
Ledge Lake Shelter B
Ledge Lake Shelter C
Ledge Pool and Recreation Area
Lewis Road Overnight Parking
Lewis Road Reservable Field
Lewis Road Riding Ring
Lindsey Family Play Space at Edgewater
Little Cedar Point Picnic Area
Little Met Golf Course
Little Overlook
Lock 39 Trailhead
Look About Lodge
Lost Meadows Picnic Area
Lower Fern Hill Picnic Area
Manakiki Golf Course
Maple Grove Picnic Area
Mastick Woods Golf Course
Meadow Ridge Picnic Area
Meadow Ridge Picnic Area Trailhead
Meadows Overnight Camp (Rear)
Meadows Picnic Area
Meadows Picnic Area Trailhead
Meadows Trailhead
Meadows Trailhead Overnight Parking
Memorial 1 Softball Diamond
Memorial 2 Softball Diamond
Memorial 3 Softball Diamond
Memorial Reserved Field Area
Memphis Picnic Area
Memphis Reservable Shelter
Memphis Sledding Hill
Merwin's Wharf
Merwin's Wharf Paddling Access
Miles Road Sledding Hill
Mill Creek Falls Overlook
Mill Creek Falls Trailhead
Mill Stream Run Physical Fitness Trail
Monarch Bluff Picnic Area
Morgan's Hollow Picnic Area
Morley Ford Fishing Area
Music Mound Ceremony
Music Mound Picnic Area
My Mountain Trailhead
Nature Education Building
Non-Reservable Acacia Reservation
Non-Reservable Bedford Reservation
Non-Reservable Big Creek Reservation
Non-Reservable Bradley Woods Reservation
Non-Reservable Brecksville Reservation
Non-Reservable Brookside Reservation
Non-Reservable Edgewater
Non-Reservable Euclid Beach - East Shores
Non-Reservable Euclid Creek Reservation
Non-Reservable Garfield Park Reservation
Non-Reservable Hinckley Reservation
Non-Reservable Huntington Reservation
Non-Reservable Mill Stream Run Reservation
Non-Reservable North Chagrin Reservation
Non-Reservable Ohio Erie Canal Reservation
Non-Reservable Rocky River Reservation
Non-Reservable South Chagrin Reservation
Non-Reservable Washington Reservation
Non-Reservable Wendy Park
Non-Reservable West Creek Reservation
North Chagrin Nature Center
North Chagrin Nature Center Auditorium
North Chagrin Nature Center Trailhead
North Chagrin Oxbow Lagoon
North End of Scranton Flats
North Mastick Picnic Area
North Quarry Picnic Area
North Reserved Ball Fields
Oak Grove Picnic Area Trailhead
Oak Grove Reservable Picnic Area
Oak Shelter
Ohio & Erie Canal
Ohio & Erie Canal Passthrough
Ohio and Erie Canal Mountain Bike Trailhead
Old Birch Picnic Area
Old Boating Pond Bridge
Old Field
Old River Farm Picnic Area
Open Field Upper Edgewater
Ottawa Overlook Backcountry Site 1
Ottawa Overlook Backcountry Site 2
Ottawa Overlook Backcountry Site 3
Ottawa Point Picnic Area
Overlook Lane Trailhead
Oxbow Lane Trailhead
Paddle Board - Edgewater
Paddle Board - Wallace Lake
Paddle Board - Wendy Park
Park Operations Hickory Room
Pawpaw Picnic Area
Pawpaw Picnic Area Trailhead
Perkins Beach
Perkins Beach Paddling Access
Plateau Picnic Area
Plateau Picnic Area Trailhead
Polo Field
Polo Field Overnight Parking
Polo Field Trailhead
Porter Creek Sledding Hill
Porter Creek Trailhead
Quarry Picnic Area
Quarry Rock
Quarry Rock Picnic Area
Ranger Lake
Rear Quarry Reservable Picnic Area
Red Line Greenway
Red Oak Picnic Area
Red Oak Shelter
Redwing Picnic Area
Richmond Road Horse Trailer Lot
Rising Valley Field 1 (North)
Rising Valley Field 2 (South)
Rising Valley Park
River Grove Reserved Picnic Area
Rivergate Green Space
Rivergate Park
Rivergate Park Transient Dock
Rockcliff Springs Ford
Rocky River Nature Center
Rocky River Nature Center Auditorium
Rocky River Nature Center Trailhead
Rocky River Oxbow Lagoon
Rocky River Physical Fitness Trail
Rocky River Stables
Rogers Meadow
Royalview Red Loop Trailhead
Royalview Reserved Shelter
Royalview Yellow Loop Trailhead
Scenic Park Boat Launch
Scenic Park Fishing Area
Scenic Park Paddling Access
Scenic Park Picnic Area
Scenic Park Trailhead
Scenic Valley Room at the Emerald Necklace Marina
Scranton Flats Pier
Scranton Road Peninsula
Seneca Golf Course
Settlers Bluff Picnic Area
Seven Hills Community Recreation Center Pool
Shadow Lake
Shadow Lake Picnic Area
Shaker Rocks
Shawnee Hills Golf Course
Skinners Run Trailhead at Dentzler Road
Skyline Overlook
Skyline Overlook Trailhead
Sledding Area at Big Met Golf Course
Sledding Area at Kelley Picnic Area
Sledding Area at Mastick Woods Golf Course
Sledding Area at Old River Farm Picnic Area
Sledding Area at Pawpaw Picnic Area
Sledding Area at Sleepy Hollow
Sledding Hill
Sleepy Hollow Golf Course
Smoky Memorial
Snow Road Picnic Area
South Chagrin Arboretum
South Chagrin Physical Fitness Trail
South Gordon Park
South Mastick Overnight Camp Site
South Mastick Picnic Area
South Mastick Picnic Area Trailhead
South Quarry Picnic Area
South Quarry Picnic Area Trailhead
South Reserved Ball Fields
Spillway Event Site
Spillway Picnic Area
Squire Rich Museum
Squire's Castle
Squire's Castle Picnic Area
Squire's Castle Trailhead
Squires Castle Ceremony
Steel Heritage Center
Stinchcomb-Groth Memorial
Strawberry Lane Trailhead
Strawberry Picnic Area
Strawberry Picnic Area Trailhead
Strawberry Pond
Strongsville Wildlife Area
Stuhr Woods Picnic Area
Sulphur Springs
Sulphur Springs Picnic Area
Sycamore Shelter
Tallgrass Prairie
The Back Nine Grille at Seneca
The Chalet
The Clubhouse at Manakiki
The Clubhouse at Washington
The Double Bogey Grille at Shawnee Hills
The Eagle's Nest at Mastick Woods
The Fairway Grille at Little Met
The Grille and Terrace at Big Met
The Noshery
The Pier Grille & Bait Shop at Edgewater Beach
The Shelterhouse (reserved half)
The Shelterhouse Overnight Camp Area
The Shelterhouse Picnic Area
The Shelterhouse Trailhead
The Yard at Mill Creek Falls
Tinkers Creek Gorge Scenic Overlook
Top O' Ledges Overnight Camp
Top O' Ledges Picnic Area
Towpath - OEC
Towpath Trail at W.13 Place and Abbey Rd
Trailside Program Center
Trolley Turn Picnic Area
Tuxedo Park
Tyler Area
Tyler Barn
Tyler Soccer Field
Tyler Softball Field
Upper Beach House
Upper Edgewater Park
Upper Edgewater Shelter - East Half
Upper Edgewater Shelter - West Half
Upper Fern Hill Picnic Area
Upper Highland Picnic Area
USS Maine & American Legion Memorial
Valley View Room at Sleepy Hollow
Viaduct Park
Villa Angela Beach
Volleyball Court 1 - Brookside
Volleyball Court 1 - Wendy Park
Volleyball Court 2 - Brookside
Volleyball Court 2 - Wendy Park
Volleyball Court 3 - Wendy Park
Volleyball Court 4 - Wendy Park
Volleyball Court 5 - Wendy Park
Volleyball Court 6 - Wendy Park
Volleyball Court 7 - Wendy Park
Volleyball Court 8 - Wendy Park
W.J. Green Picnic Area
Wallace Lake
Wallace Lake Beach
Wallace Lake Cafe
Wallace Lake Paddleboat Rentals
Wallace Lake Picnic Area
Wallace Lake Reserved Canopy
Wallace Lake South Reserved Ball Diamond
Washington Golf Course
Washington Reservation Trailhead
Water Tower
Watershed Stewardship Center
Watershed Stewardship Center Confluence Room
Watershed Stewardship Center Trailhead
Welsh Woods Picnic Area
Welsh Woods Picnic Area Trailhead
Wendy Park
Wendy Park Bridge
Wendy Park Paddling Access
West 13th Place and Abbey Ave Parking Lot
West Drive Lot
West Drive Scenic Overlook
Whipp's Ledges
Whipp's Ledges Picnic Area
Whipp's Ledges Trailhead
Whiskey Island Trail
Wildwood Boat Launch
Wildwood Marina and Concessions
Wildwood Marina Entrance Parking Lot
Wildwood Marina Pavilion - East Shores
Wildwood Park
Wildwood Park Paddling Access
Wildwood Reservable Picnic Shelter
Willis Picnic Area
Willow Bend Picnic Area
Willow Tree
Wilson Mills Trailhead
Wilson's Yard Trailhead
Windy Ridge Field
Windy Ridge Picnic Area
Wintergreen Cabin
Wolf Canopy
Wolf Fields
Wolf Picnic Area
Wolf Picnic Area Trailhead
Worden's Ledges
Worden's Ledges Trailhead
York Road Archery Range